Tailored material properties
One material, one parameter set, one melt pool structure - but still tailor the material properties ⁉️ Unleash the full #MetalAM potential on #MaterialsMonday 🚀
Controlling the material properties and still obtain a consistent melt pool structure is a major challenge in the LPBF process. Gregor Graf did some impressive studies to tailor the hardness of our high-performance tool steel Specialis® according to the application requirements.
🌟 Highlights 🌟
☑️ Hardness up to 65 HRC / 820 HV with Specialis® material
☑️ Synchronized dual-laser LPBF processing on SLM Solutions SLM 280
☑️ Tailored material properties maintainable even after heat treatment
Questions or applications regarding this material or processing strategy ❓ Get in touch 🤙
Further information:
- Research Paper “Dual-Laser PBF-LB Processing of a High-Performance Maraging Tool Steel FeNiCoMoVTiAl”: https://doi.org
- Research Paper “Characterization of a novel maraging steel for laser-based powder bed fusion: optimization of process parameters and post heat treatments”: https://doi.org
- High-performance maraging tool steel Specialis®: Material Datasheet
- Trade optimized LPBF process parameters on AddiMap marketplace: https://addimap.com
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