Research project Opti-Add process control
🎛️ Every company in MetalAM wants to have full control of the own manufacturing processes. Next R&D project participation for Rosswag Engineering
Topic of the BMWI funded Opti-Add project: Optimised process control in additive manufacturing for resource-saving production and quality assurance of dynamically highly stressed lightweight components.
Rosswag Engineering will work on optimised LPBF exposure strategies, new methods for in-line quality assurance and the influence for mechanical and dynamical part properties.
Our partners: Materialprüfungsanstalt (MPA) der Universität Stuttgart, Evobeam GmbH and edevis GmbH
Further information:
- Trade optimized LPBF parameters on AddiMap and profit from +80% productivity and new materials 🚀
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- Open Access Article: Unlock full potential of MetalAM for voxel-graded materials with synchronized dual-laser LPBF processing:
- Fatigue Testing for MetalAM parts: