Patent trends in AM materials
Patent trends in #MetalAM materials 📈 Can we expect an accelerated growth of new materials and alloys ❓ #MaterialsMonday
According to a report from the European Patent Office there is a strong growth of metal alloy patents in the AM Industry. The polymer patents still lead by a large margin. In 2022, however, for the first time there were more patents for metals than for biomaterials. Also to be considered is the large number of existing alloys in the metal sector that have already been in use for decades and therefore do not appear in these statistics.
At Rosswag Engineering we are proud to be part of the industrialization of new and existing materials for Laser Powder Bed Fusion. With our holistic process chain we can qualify new alloys from prematerial to first stress-strain curves in 4-6 weeks including atomization and LPBF parameter studies. Fast, cost-efficient and with the experience of over 50 different alloys for LPBF.
🔗 Link to the full study "Innovation trends in additive manufacturing - Patents in 3D printing technologies" by European Patent Office :
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