Bend it til you break it
Bend it 'til you break it ↕️ World's fastest and cheapest fatigue testing for the qualification of #MetalAM materials scales up 🚀
At the moment more than 100 test samples are tested on our electro-dynamic test system to prove the statistical significance and selectivity.
☑️ 4-point flat bending fatigue testing according to DIN 50142-2019 @ 50 Hz
☑️ Mulitple bending stress conditions adjustable
☑️ Full Wöhler test cycle possible in about 6 weeks with 30 samples
How do you validate the fatigue performace of your LPBF parts and materials ❓
Further information:
- Trade optimized LPBF parameters on AddiMap and profit from +80% productivity and new materials 🚀
- World's fastest material qualification process:
- You want to have a look at our extensive #MetalAM material portfolio? Check our material database:
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