AAMS 2022 Preview
Meet the material experts for #MetalAM at AAMS 2022 from 12th to 14th of September #MaterialsMonday
Rosswag Engineering will participate in the "AAMS - Alloys for Additive Manufacturing Symposium 2022" organized by conference chairman Prof. Eric Jägle as sponsor and exhibitor. Gregor Graf will talk about the production of voxel-graded materials with synchronized dual-laser LPBF processing.
You can also learn more about our services and developments at our booth:
➡️ Our new marketplace from AddiMap allows the entire #MetalAM community to trade process parameters and material data for Laser powder bed fusion. The platform will go live in November 2022 🚀
➡️ We offer the world's fastest material qualification in a holistic process chain. From powder production and preparation, to parameter studies on our LPBF systems, to full-scale testing and analysis. All processe in-house.
- 📅 12th to 14th of September 2022
- 📍 Universität der Bundeswehr München
- ✔️ Further information: www.aams2022.eu